謄寫,標記,行政: Bo-yong Zhang
專案主持人, 程式設計: Marcus Bingenheimer
主辦單位: Chung-hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies 中華佛學研究所
協助單位: Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts 法鼓文理學院
Abbreviations are red. 紅色為省書。 Mouse-over Non-Unicode Characters to see an image. Unicode Extension A-D characters are displayed as they are fonted. 指標滑過非萬國碼字會跳出字圖。萬國碼 A-D 字集,以讀者已安裝字型呈現。 Legible [[damaged text]] is marked by two angular brackets. 兩層方括號表示字體[[破損]]。 Deleted text appears like this. 刪除字以這樣表示。 Deleted text for which there is a substitution appears like this. The substitutions appear in this color. 取代文字以'這個顏色'表示,被取代文字以這樣表示。 Unclear characters are marked by thin dotted underline. 文字不清在字下劃虛線。 Illegible damaged text is marked by one ▯ (vertical rectangle) for each presumed missing character. 難辨、破損字以 ▯(豎長方形)表示每一個字。 Extra spaces are marked by "_ " (underline and space) for each character-size unit. 空字以"_"(底線加空格)表示。 Errors in the text are given as is (<sic>). 錯誤文字均保留原文。 |
Abbreviations are resolved. 省書已推定。 Unicode Extension A-D characters and Non-Unicode characters (attested or not) are replaced with their common form 通用字 in this color. 萬國碼擴充 A-D 字集與非萬國碼(識別與否)皆以此色的通用字體取代。 Legible damaged text is unmarked. 可知之破損字不另標示。 Unclear characters are unmarked. 可知之難辨字不另標示。 Illegible damaged text is marked by one ▯ (vertical rectangle) per missing character (est.). 難辨、破損字以 ▯(豎長方形)表示每一個字。 Extra spaces are unmarked. 不保留空格。 Presumed errors in the text are corrected (<corr>), where possible. 顯示編者更正的字。 |
P-4564r-0001 : 楞伽師資記并序 P-4564r-0002 : 仏性空无相 真如寂 A01035-020不言 口傳 A00228-010文字 [[說]] 斯 [[皆]]妄想 P3294-021-18禪 P3664-511-09 涅 B02111-001齧\ [[鏃]]/法 P-4564r-0003 : 秘蜜不人心 心通 [[常]]黙用 唯當 A02652-005度 A01210-004有緣 二乘 A00037-027无不識 外道 [[未]]曾 A01838-001聞 P-4564r-0004 : 小恨多毀 A02093-023-1謗 誓莫\㆑/願 A04565-045𣴑傳 A00228-010 夫衆生久𣴑轉生死者𣅜由習氣故 A01721-001也習氣 P-4564r-0005 : ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ [[淨]]覚才識 [[闇短習]]▯未聞少 P-4564r-0006 : ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ [[方專]] |
P-4564r-0001 : 楞伽師資記并序 P-4564r-0002 : 佛性空無相 真如寂不言 口傳文字說 斯皆妄想禪 涅槃齧鏃法 P-4564r-0003 : 秘密不教人 心通常默用 唯當度有緣 二乘無不識 外道未曾聞 P-4564r-0004 : 小恨多毀謗 誓願莫流傳[1] 夫眾生久流轉生死者,皆由習氣故也。習氣 P-4564r-0005 : ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯淨覺才識闇短,習▯未聞,少 P-4564r-0006 : ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯方專[2] |
註解 / NOTES: 1 參 T85, no. 2828, p. 1266, b7-11。 2 以下至 Дx.1728 前佚失。參柳田聖山《初期の禪史》p.52。 |